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About: Kirthar National Park

The Kirthar National Park is situated in Sindh, Jamshoro District, Pakistan. This park is the third-largest national park in Pakistan by size after Karakoram Central National Park and Hingol National Park and was built in 1974. It covers an area of over 3,077 km2 (1.192 square mi). The park is available with four-wheel drive vehicles, while the arrangement of two rest houses is available for tourists by Sindh Wildlife Department. The Park wildlife includes Indian leopards, striped hyenas, Indian wolves, rats, urials, and rare Sindh wild goats. Gazelles of Chinkara. In the cages of Kirthar National Park, Blackbuck antelopes are stored for a repopulation project.

Kirthar: Species


The total species are twenty-one. In mammals, there are:
❖ Sindh wild goats, which are very rare
❖ Indian wolves
❖ Indian leopard
❖ Striped hyena


There are a total of 58 bird species.
❖ Golden Eagle
❖ Griffons vulture
❖Grey Partridge
❖Red-Necked Falcon


The total species are twenty-one. In mammals, there are:
❖ Sindh wild goats, which are very rare
❖ Indian wolves
❖ Indian leopard
❖ Striped hyena