City Guide | Exploring [Karachi] - Change


Karachi, the bride of the cities, is the biggest city of Pakistan with an area of 3780 square kilometers and the twelfth biggest city in the world. Situated on the Arabian Sea, the city of light act as a transport hub and is home to Pakistan's two largest seaports, The Port of Karachi and Port Bin Qasim, as well as the most active air terminal in Pakistan, Jinnah International Airport. Karachi is presently Pakistan's chief modern and monetary focus. The city has an expected GDP of $164 Billion (PPP) as of 2019, which is the biggest in the country. As the Country's Industrial and monetary center point, Karachi gathers over 33% of Pakistan's Tax Revenue and creates roughly 20% of Pakistan's whole GDP. Karachi is the most assorted and cosmopolitan city in Pakistan and may offer a clue regarding the future course of present-day life in Pakistan. In numerous ways, it very well may be contrasted with New York where the speed of life is more rushed and the time is cash.


The area of Karachi in Sindh, Karachi has a characteristic harbor and has been utilized as a fishing port by neighborhood anglers having a place with Sindhi clans since unearthings have uncovered a period returning to Indus valley human progress which shows the importance of the port since the Bronze Age. Port city of Banbhore was laid out before Christian time which filled in as a significant exchange center point the district, the port was recorded by different names by the Greeks, for instance, Krokola, Morontobara port, and Barbarikon, an ocean port of the Indo-Greek Bactrian realm. also, Ramya as per a few Greek texts. The Arabs knew it as the port of Debal, from where Muhammad container Qasim drove his overcoming force into Sindh (the western corner of South Asia) in AD 712. Lahari Bandar or Lari Bandar succeeded Debal as a big part of the Indus it had been found near Banbhore, in present-day Karachi. The main present-day port city is close to Manora Island (presently Manora Peninsula) was laid out during the British frontier Raj in the late nineteenth century. The advanced history of Karachi starts when it was made the capital of Sindh during the 1840s. In 1878 under the British Raj, the city was associated with the remainder of British India by rail. Public structure projects, for example, Frere Hall and Empress Market were embraced. In 1876, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the organizer of Pakistan, was brought into the world in the city. Following the autonomy of Pakistan in 1947, Karachi had turned into a clamoring city with wonderful traditional and pilgrim European-styled structures, covering the city's avenues. Karachi was raised as the capital of Pakistan. In 1960, the capital of Pakistan was moved from Karachi to the recently constructed Islamabad.


The City of Lights, Karachi, isn't hands down the biggest city of the country yet, in addition, the most crowded metropolitan city of the country. In 2016, Karachi had an expected populace of over 16 million individuals, which makes it the seventh most crowded city in the world. In the event that it was a different country, it would be greater than a few European and South American Countries as far as a populace. The city, which once included basically Sindhis and the Baloch, is presently comprised of a few ethnic gatherings. The most various are Urdu-talking muhājirs, Muslims who left India because of the 1947 segment. Punjabis and Pashtuns have sizable networks in Karachi too. The populace is, as a rule, Muslim, however, there are few Christian, Hindu, Parsi, Buddhist, and Jain minorities. A portion of the individuals from the Christian minority is of Indo- Pakistani beginning, while others are plunged from Portuguese or other European gatherings.




Panchmukhi Hanuman Temple

Panchmukhi Hanuman Mandir is a unique Hindu sanctuary in Pakistan. It is situated in the Soldier Bazaar, Karachi. This temple is 1500 years old, announced as a public legacy under the Sindh Cultural Heritage (Preservation) Act 1994.
Religious Significance: It is said that Lord Rama visited where the sanctuary stands. He found Panchamukhi Hanuman’s sculpture from the underground, and a monastery was based on that place. It is said that floating the Hanuman icon 21 or 11 times satisfies the desires.

Shri Swaminarayan Temple

The Shri Swaminarayan Mandir is a Hindu temple in Karachi that is the only temple in Pakistan. The temple is worth noting for its size and exterior, covering 32,306 square yards (27,012 m2) on the MA Jinnah Road. The temple honored its anniversary of 216 years in April 2004. It is believed that Hindus and followers of Islam visit the temple, which is a noble deed. There is a holy cowshed within the walls of this temple. The temple is located at the center of a Hindu area in Karachi.

Shri Varun Dev Temple

Shri Varun Dev Mandir is a Hindu sanctuary situated in Manora Island in Karachi. The shelter is committed to Varuna, the god by whom water is represented in Hinduism. He is the most divine god of all Seas-Oceans and the Sindh stream. Sindh stream is the sole stream known to be related to him, according to the hymns committed to him in RigVeda.